
Installl JAVA in UNIX server

Install the JRE

Step 1:
Download the java package from Java Official website


Step 2:

Login as root, cd to the directory that contains the JRE you just downloaded, move the downloaded file jre-6u15-linux-i586.bin to /usr/local, and then cd to that directory:

# mv jre-6u15-linux-i586.bin
# cd /usr/local

Step 3:
Extract the contents of the JRE & follow the instructions:

# ./jre-6u15-linux-i586.bin

Step 4:
Once you're finished, add jre1.6.0_15/bin to your PATH:

# export PATH=/usr/local/jre1.6.0_15/bin:$PATH

As you, and not root, do the same thing:

$ export PATH=/usr/local/jre1.6.0_15/bin:$PATH

Step 5:
Check the java version

# java -version

