
Word Wrap in Eclipse

You can enable Word Wrap in Eclipse. It will screws up the line number, line height, etc but they will get back to their normal state once you turn off Virtual Word Wrap.

How to install?

1. Open Eclipse
2. Help > Software Updates > Find and Install
3. Search for New Features to Install
4. New Remote Site
5. Enter the url - http://ahtik.com/eclipse-update/
6. Install and Enjoy

To turn on the word-wrap, what you need to do is "right-Click" and select the "Virtual Word Wrap"


Ubuntu Add shortcut keys

1. Go to System->Preferences->Keyboards

2. Go to e.g. "Run a terminal", click on the "shorcut", and press your selected key , e.g. "Ctrl+F1"

Ubuntu Unix basic commands

## useradd : add the user

sudo useradd -d /home/silverstreet -m silverstreet

sudo passwd silverstreet
Enter new UNIX password : sil2852ver
Retype new UNIX password: sil2852ver

## SUDO : get the root user priviledges

sudo -i

## SEARCH string in files

find . -exec grep -q "Silver_Log::info" '{}' \; -print

## CHMOD in all sub folders

chmod -R 777 sources

## CLEAR file content

> filename

Install Chinese Language on Ubuntu

Install Chinese Language on Ubuntu
Filed under Ubuntu/Debian by didi
In order to enable chinese input on Ubuntu, chinese language need to be installed first.
1. System–>Administration–>Language Support

Click on “Install/Remove Languages
2. Tick on Chinese language and click “Apply Changes”.

3. U will be prompted for password, once inserted, it will continue downloading required files.

4. Once finished download, it will proceed to installation.

5. Go to System–> Preferences–> SCIM Input Setup to configure chinese input.

6. Once finished setup, u can now start writing chinese.